Audio Trading App

Pick your sound

Sell your sounds, contact producers across the globe.
Just click the button to learn more!

an image of a sound wave


The Things You Can Do...

bow image

Create your profile

Fill your profile to display it on "producer profiles" page for potential opportunities!

potion image

Sell your audios

Sell commercial licences of your audios to people who wanna buy them, and make a passive income.

shuriken image

Get inspirations

Instead scrolling general social media; scroll here to get audial inspirations, and meet people who loves sfx!

Categorization of Sounds

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cauldron image
axe image

Foley Sounds

  • These are artificially created sounds that mimic real-life noises and enhance the audio library of movies, TV shows, video games, etc.


  • Anything that contains audible words, Human speach, or fictional races like orc, demon etc
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grim reaper image
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crystal image
user interface image

UI Sounds

  • When receiving something, activating something, deleting something, or an event happens in an app, we can be notified in audial way. These are user interface sounds.

Sound Effects

  • Similar to foley sounds, artificially created but rather than mimicing the real-life noises, these are mimicing non real-life sounds, so sound effects
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spell book image

The Things You Can't Do...

Sadly, this app currently cannot accept audios longer than 30 seconds, and there are limitations to uploadable file formats as some of them are huge. Additionally, there is a 4 audio listing limit per user and some sound categories are forbidden due to their length.

The reason to these problems is that our database is running on free bandwidth right now, which has strict data size limitations, and audios are usually large file types.

That's why soundscapes, ambiances, environmental sounds, musical pieces etc are not a part of listable audio categories as they are usually audio types longer than 30 seconds. Plus, only accepted file format is mp3 for now.

Yet, there is no active-passive listing functionality. So if you want your audio listing to be unlisted/paused but still remain in your account to be editable and re-listed again, you can't do that and you need to delete your listing instead. Purpose of this is to keep database clean from unused audios and create space. For now this limitation is necessery.

So if this project gets interest and a need to scale, i might start a "buymecoffee" funding account for database extension-hosting-maintenance-feature development expenses.

You can share your opinions with me.

In addition to database limitations, this app is at closed-beta stage right now:

What this means is that all the user data will be deleted after the beta ends. The reason i need this beta stage is to detect bugs, fix them and implement necessery features before making this webapp a reality.

You can play a role in this aswell by just filling your profile with some fill-in information, creating an audio listing with a sample file, and just surfing the functionality of the app in general.

And as a conclusion, you can write me the functional struggles-user interface design/accessibility problems you've experienced, or the features you would want to be added.

Plus, i would appreciate legal assistance about writing terms of usage of the app, for example guidance between my rights and the audio uploaders rights with the uploaded file, or information in licensing uploaded files, etc.